Life Science Careers by Umbrella

Access the best talent in Life Sciences across the UK.

Umbrella Recruitment Solutions LTD is a company created by a team of professionals, who specialise in bringing companies together with the right individuals across industry sectors.

Our goal is to support companies and individual development in ensuring future growth and sustainability for businesses in the UK. 

Register now and access our talent pool for professionals in Life Sciences across the UK.  

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Responsables del tratamiento: Umbrella Life Science (Umbrella), Umbrella Life Science (Umbrella) y Umbrella Recruitment, Life Science Careers by Umbrella Encargado de tratamiento: Alumni Global Search S.L. (beWanted); Finalidades: gestionar tu registro en el Talent Pool Manager de Umbrella Recruitment, Life Science Careers by Umbrella Talent Pool y en beWanted y funcionalidades asociadas al mismo, permitir la creación y gestión de procesos de selección de personal y, en caso de autorizarlo, envío de información de interés relacionada con beWanted; Legitimación: consentimiento; Destinatarios: candidatos interesados en tus ofertas y, en su caso, Talent Pool Managers registrados en beWanted; Twilio Inc para el envío de información; Derechos: acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos así como otros derechos que puede consultar en la Información adicional; Información adicional: puedes consultar a continuación toda la información adicional sobre el tratamiento de tus datos personales. Ver política de privacidad

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Life Science Careers by Umbrella is the recruitment portal for professionals in Life Sciences across the UK that helps you find, attract, hire, and train the best talent.


  • Fast and affordable access to a large pool of professionals across Life Sciences.
  • A service designed to meet all the staffing needs of Life Sciences sectors.
  • We use innovative and cutting-edge technology to help you find the best talent.
  • Access to the best professionals seeking to work in Life Sciences.
  • Definition and implementation of a plan of action to attract the best talent.
  • A tool that facilitates the filtering of candidates by industry laboratory skills and branches of interest amongst others.
  • You will achieve the best results in the process for the selection of personnel.

Create selection processes for the Life Science Careers by Umbrella candidate base.


Discover the benefits of the Life Science Careers by Umbrella candidate database.

  • You will be able to filter and invite candidates that fit your vacancy.
  • You will be able to manage the mobility of your talent.
  • In addition, this solution translates into the possibility of making internal processes significantly more efficient and less time consuming.

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