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Información sobre: IT Intern en Madrid

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Empresa buscando IT Intern

Madrid, España
Sobre la oferta de: IT Intern
Descripción de la invitación

What will you do: As a member of the IT infrastructure and communications department, you will collaborate in the development of the Workplace's digitalization, carrying out the following tasks: · Ensure the implementation of the digital tools in the workplace.· Assistance in the usage and development of these tools.· Online training to employees.· Involvement in IT projects.

Descripción del candidato

What are we looking for:· Last-year student of bachelor's degrees such as: Informatic or Telecommunications Engineering. · IT friendly.· Excellent communication skills both in English and Spanish.· Organized and resolutive.· Extrovert, proactive, goal-orientated and team player.What we offer:· 6 months - 1 year of internship.    · Financial support. · Full time: 9-17h

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