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Información sobre: Schneider Intership - Human Resources en Tlaxcala

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Empresa buscando Schneider Intership - Human Resources

Tlaxcala, México
Sobre la oferta de: Schneider Intership - Human Resources
Descripción de la invitación

Recruitment support. We work on hiring around 100 direct labor operators on constant basis.Training support. Support the delivery of training and adaptation of content (completely digital) to to meet the objective of 15hrs of training per employee and 30% being digital by year end.HR support. Help the local HR team in all the department's related activities such as labor relations, events, talent management, and so on.Responsible of Internal communication. Manage the tools and processes implemented in the plant and work on continuous administration and improvement of the internal communication process we have in place. Keep informationa and communication channels updated and relevant.

Descripción del candidato

Active bachelor students from 6th semester and up related to the Marketing, Communication Science, Design, Business Administration areaEnglish Level Advanced Participation in extracurricular activitieProactive and Open to Learn

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