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Información sobre: Human Resources Trainee en Sin definir

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Empresa buscando Human Resources Trainee

Barcelona, España
Sobre la oferta de: Human Resources Trainee
Descripción de la invitación

Human Resources at W Barcelona has an active and strategic role. Ranging from our world-class training and development to some of the most competitive pay and benefits programs in the industry. Make the talents at W Barcelona feel like home, keeping the environment of W Brand alive. You will learn to recruit for attitude, train for skills and get organized- get ready to rock. -- Take part in the selection and recruitment process of employees and students on internship -- Assist the HR Department in all tasks -- Assist the Quality Manager when needed -- Guide the other trainees during their experience -- Participate and assist with internal communication -- Give a hand with the processes of contracting, hiring, processing sick leaves and labour accidents

Descripción del candidato

- Requires strong communication skills, both verbal and written - Must possess good computational ability(Pack Office) - Fluent in English and Spanish and/or Catalan. - Good organization and administrative skills

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